Hello all, I hope you've enjoyed a lovely break and are ready to get back to dancing. I've had a chance to review my upcoming Fall schedule and take stock of family/work balance.
I am making a concerted effort to balance my time so I don't burn out from teaching and from grad school, and to ensure I have enough time with my kids on weeknights. So beginning next week I will be consolidating my teaching schedule.
Our new schedule will be Tuesdays only (with monthly Metal Shimmy still on Fridays):
Foundations 6-7pm
Advanced 7-8:30pm
This will also help those of you traveling from further away save on travel time and expense by only needing to make one trip a week. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you all for being so flexible these past few months. Trying to navigate grad school, running a small business, and mothering teens feels a bit like walking a tight rope sometimes!
I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for undulations week!
P.S. - please excuse the mess at my house this. It is getting prepped and painted, and should be done by next Tuesday.